Welcome to another exciting year of Floyd County Schools athletics.
To our athletes we say – “With your hard work, dedication, sportsmanship, and team play, you will make this school year a rewarding and enjoyable experience.”
To our parents we say – “Thank you for your loyalty to FCS Athletics, and for supporting our efforts to provide a wholesome, competitive environment for your student-athletes.” We all need to work together for a common goal – to make Floyd County School sports experience a rewarding one for everyone concerned. This includes the athletes, the coaches, the parents and the fans.
Please keep in mind at all times that our athletic venues are, in fact, classrooms, just as much as the technical areas, labs and classrooms we have in our building. We need to be teaching our young adults and ourselves that competitive, educational athletics can offer a great deal to someone’s life. Also keep in mind that playing a sport is a privilege and playing time is determined by the coach. Together, let’s always, and in all ways, celebrate the efforts of our players and coaches as they strive to make FCS Athletics #1 in class, style, sportsmanship and competitiveness. Have an enjoyable school year.
Thank you from the Floyd County Schools Athletic Department, Administration, and Coaches.
Ted George and Brook Moore
High School and Elementary School Athletic Directors
High School and Elementary School Athletic Directors
Floyd County Schools
“There is no limit to what a person can accomplish if they do not care who gets the credit.”
Kentucky High School Athletic Association Information 

Coaching Information
Football Forms

Directions to obtain coverage for Student Athletic Insurance Coverage if no personal insurance is available.
Please go to
Then select K-12 Voluntary
Then select: Next School Year starting in the fall
Type in Floyd County beside of School District or School Name
Select Kentucky from drop down and it will pull a list of all schools from Floyd County
Select your school, hit continue
You will be taken to a page to enter the name, date of birth and grade of your student.
Select Load Available Plans
You will then select the policy you would like purchase and move on to pay.
Ted George
High School Athletic Director
(606) 886-2354
Brook Moore
Elementary School Athletic Director
(606) 886-2354