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Superintendent's Message

It brings me so much joy to get to welcome students, staff, and the Floyd County community back to school. I have always been excited about school and a new school year presents the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. I want to ensure that this new school year is one of your best yet, and that you cultivate memorable learning moments each day.
Whether you’re attending the same school or embarking on a new chapter this year, a new school year marks an opportunity to grow for each of us – personally and professionally – as students, mentors, and friends – just to name a few of the roles we play each day. The staff at Floyd County Schools is eager to see you and engage with you this year as you challenge yourself and work to achieve greatness. As we work hard this school year, may we strive to inspire others, to be innovative and creative, and to reach goals that will make us proud individually and collectively as one Floyd County. Together, we are offering unmatched opportunities and pathways and are paving the road to success! It is an honor and pleasure to serve Floyd County students, staff, parents, and community and to be a part of this journey with each of you.
Vision Statement:
The Floyd County School District, in collaboration with our communities will provide a safe environment with intentional instruction to inspire students and staff, support a culture of innovation, and instill competencies for all students to be globally productive citizens.
Mission Statement:
To provide amazing opportunities for all Floyd County students in a safe, supportive, learning environment. 
Please rely on your school leadership and department chiefs, however, if I can ever be of assistance, please contact my office.
Telephone: 606-886-4502

Anna Whitaker Shepherd

Floyd County Schools

Latest News


Floyd County Schools At A Glance

  • 92%Advanced Level Course Work
  • 19.6Average ACT Score
  • 93.7%Graduation Rate
  • 324/350Dual Credit Completion
  • 21STLP Best in Group
  • 4STLP State Champions

Mission Statement

A picture of elementary school children in one of our Floyd County classrooms.
To provide amazing opportunities for ALL Floyd County students in a safe, supportive, learning environment.
The Floyd County School District, in collaboration with our communities, will provide a safe environment with intentional instruction to inspire students and staff, support a culture of innovation, and instill competencies for all students to be globally  productive citizens.