Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child Program » Examples of Winning Pieces

Examples of Winning Pieces

#1108 (Kindergarten student)
The Best GIFT I have ever given someone is my hugs. I don’t have any money, but I have lots of hugs to give! Hugs make good gifts because they make people happy!

#1109 Christmas in the Mountains
Christmas in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky is my favorite time of the year. I’m proud to be living in such a beautiful place. We don’t always have snow at Christmas, but I dream about waking up on Christmas morning and seeing the hills covered with snow. Merry Christmas, and I hope it snows like it did Christmas before last!
If I could grant one wish, it would be for everyone to have a happy Christmas. Everyone would have a warm and safe place to live with kitchens stocked with all kinds of food and drinks. No one would be homeless or hungry. Wouldn’t it be great to celebrate Jesus’ birthday without sadness!
#1111 Three Nuts and a Candy Cane
Every Christmas my Meemo says that I get too many presents. She often tells me this when she is taking me shopping for presents. However, every time I choose a gift, she reminds me of the gift that she received when she was a girl. She tells me the same story of how she received only three nuts and a candy cane for Christmas. Perhaps I do get too many gifts, but I sure hope this Christmas I get more than three nuts and a candy cane.
#1112 The Best Gift I Ever Received
At the age of four, I came to live with my aunt and uncle. During my second grade year, they became my mom and dad. On Christmas Eve, that year, I was given a present to open. I was so excited when I opened my present and saw my new birth certificate with my new last name. This was the best gift I had ever received.
#1113 Christmas Fun!
Christmas is going on trips in our PJ’s to look at the pretty Christmas lights, baking cookies with extra sprinkles for Santa, drinking hot cocoa with lots of marshmallow, decorating the tree with our favorite ornaments and spending time with my family. Christmas is the best time of the year!

Christmas is about caring and sharing with others. Sometimes, it is the small things that count, a colored picture you have drawn, or a card or a cupcake or something simple. When you hand your gift to a person, they know they are remembered and that helps them not to feel lonely. Wouldn’t you like to do or give something to someone so they will know you are thinking of them? Don’t let anyone be lonely at Christmas or any time! You’ll feel better too!
#1115 Memories of Christmas Shaking
At Christmas, my favorite thing to do is shake the presents under the tree. Sometimes I can even guess what they are. My mom always ends up catching me, and shakes her finger at me. But the best kind of shake happens on Christmas morning when my mom shakes me to wake me up.
#1116 Humpback Whales
What’s your funniest Christmas? We all gathered around our beautiful tree, and my present was as huge as an elephant. I tore it open and saw a bunch of paper. Where was it? Down, I dug. There, in the bottom, I found a CD….titled the Soothing Sounds of Humpback Whales. “Hhmm?” I thought. Those supposed, soothing sounds did not put me to sleep as they were supposed to do, but sounded like dying goats bleating. I may slip that thing into my sister’s stocking….
#1117 Remember
The world may be crazy right now, but let’s think about Jesus. He is the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus came from Heaven and was born in a manger because He loves us. Remember, the world might be crazy but God is the same as He was that first Christmas when Jesus was born!
#1117 Memories
On Christmas Eve, I try real hard to stay awake all night! I want to see Santa sneak in the door and hear the reindeer shake their bells on the roof. But no matter how hard I try, I fall asleep. Somehow, Santa comes and when I wake up on Christmas morning and run to our big tree, there is a mountain of presents. I hope Santa didn’t hurt his back carrying them in! I love you Santa